Manifesting 101

Manifesting 101: The Manifesting Paradox

August 02, 20243 min read

You would have to live under a rock to have never heard the term “manifesting.” Being able to conjure up what you want just by thinking about it sounds fabulous; who wouldn’t want to do that? However, if you have spent time trying to manifest, you might find it is not as easy as it sounds. You might even conclude that manifesting is impossible and it is better to get back to work.

The basic definition of manifesting is “turning thoughts into things.” It is based on the premise that we are energy, not just physical. Manifesting is the outcome of the Law of Attraction, a principle that explains that similar things are drawn together. According to the Law of Attraction, our thoughts are “things.” So, the more you focus on what you want, the more you have the power to draw it into your existence. That sounds perfect and seems easy enough.

However, the reality is often different.

Why is manifesting so hard?

Our “energy” or “vibration” is made up of much more than our thoughts. It is our emotions, history, relationships, and beliefs. No matter how intense, a single thought cannot match the energy of belief accumulated over years.

A Course in Miracles has a different “spin” on manifesting. It teaches that “having” and “being” are the same. So, in these terms, if you want to manifest something, you must become it first.

The Manifesting Paradox

Instead of viewing manifesting as a means to 'acquire' something, consider it a journey of 'becoming.’ This transformation often necessitates healing our limiting thoughts, which may stem from familial beliefs, past traumas, or life experiences. Understanding and addressing these barriers is a crucial step in manifesting.

If you wonder, “How do I identify the limiting beliefs that stop me from manifesting?” just look at your life. If there is something that you want, that means that there is something you believe that you do not have. A great question is, “What must people believe about themselves who have what I want?”

Of course, even if you identify the belief, the chances of your stepping into that belief are as similar as the chances of conjuring up a unicorn by saying, “Abracadabra, I want a unicorn.”🦄

Manifesting is healing, and healing requires work.

What is the work? The work is believing in what is actually the truth about yourself. We can manifest because the power is already in us. Our limiting beliefs block our power. When we remove the belief, our power naturally attracts all of the things that will make us happy.

Becoming empowered is a way of removing all of the blocks that you have placed in the way of your innate power.


Think of manifesting as tending to a garden. 🪴Each belief is a seed you plant. Some seeds grow into beautiful flowers, while others might sprout stubborn weeds. To cultivate a garden full of blossoms, you must tend to it regularly, pulling out the weeds and nurturing the flowers. It takes patience, dedication, and a bit of dirty work, but the result is a vibrant, thriving space where your dreams can flourish.

So, next time you think manifesting isn't working, remember: it’s not about wishing for a unicorn to appear out of thin air. It’s about becoming the gardener of your own soul,👩🏻‍🌾 cultivating the beliefs that will bring your dreams into bloom. Your thoughts are powerful, but it’s your consistent, loving actions that will turn them into reality.

If you would like help staying on the path of manifesting a life you love, make sure you sign up for my podcast! You can listen to it on Apple Music or on Spotify. You can also watch my podcast on YouTube! Make sure you subscribe so you never miss an episode!

Happy manifesting! 🌸


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Kim Mazzella

Kim Mazzella is a Mindset Expert and Energy Coach who empowers women who feel they’ve hit a ceiling in their careers and relationships break through their barriers and find their inner superpowers so that they can ignite their own success stories.

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